
Watermelon Cultivation Day

Today was watermelon cultivation day!  A happy day given that my hearty plant succumbed to, what we believe to be, a disease.  Dark black spots on the leaves, vines and watermelons is not a good sign.

We had about 20 baby watermelons growing at various points throughout July, only to have them develop black spots or get blown away in one of the many storms we've had this summer.  

The one sole survivor just happens to be the very same watermelon I shot and posted back in July!  I held onto this little guy, hoping he would make it. 

Since I wasn't sure when the watermelon was going to be ready, I already had one on hand that I had picked up at the store.  The one on the bottom is the large store bought version.

Here's what the little guy looked like on the inside.  Nice and juicy!  Oh and sweet!

We've kept a bunch of the seeds, so it should be interesting to see if they yield any bounty next summer.

Despite my misfortune with the black spots and the disappointment of seeing my thriving, vibrant plant slowly reduce to a wilted, black, spotty mess, I wouldn't hesitate to give watermelons another go.   Definitely recommend giving it a try.  Cutting into your own garden's bounty is quite rewarding!


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